
Stress management continues to be the most prominent issue for barristers who access the counselling service offered by Vic Bar.

A recent State of the Bar survey revealed that 90 percent of Victorian barristers suffered from work-related stress. Developing methods to identify and manage workplace stress was reported to improve their emotional resilience and wellbeing.

Key causes of workplace stress

  • Feeling overwhelmed, including the sense of drowning and being overloaded with information and responsibilities.
  • Persistent anxiety and/or depression often caused by expectations.
  • Despite a decline in workplace mistreatment, complaints of bullying still continue.
  • Conducting a large amount of casework online results in feelings of professional isolation and loneliness.
  • Trauma-related stress. Court cases with exposure to confronting information and details. Barristers specialising in criminal or family court cases are especially vulnerable.

For more information on relaxation techniques to assist in coping with stress, download the relaxation sheets on the right or call 0417 351 677 for Vic Bar’s 24-hour support and counselling service.